co-parenting app

Co-parent With Confidence!

Easily manage custody schedules, children's shared expenses, and co-parent communications.

Free co-parentng app

With/without a co-parent

How does it work?

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Join and invite your co-parent(s) .

Perform Tasks

Custody Schedules, Expenses, Messages.


Track everything for Free!

Save arguments, money, and time

With our free co-parenting app, you can effortlessly manage custody schedules, track shared expenses for your children, and streamline communication on various co-parenting matters. Say goodbye to the hassle of convincing the other co-parent about expenses - now you can easily discuss shared expenses. Save time and ensure transparency in managing your children's needs with our latest features.

Cent allows co-parents to easily log and manage all shared co-parenting activities, and build a positive relatinship with their children and ex-partners.

Divorced and separated parents do not have to fight over child issues
Lower legal fees paid by co-parents

Reduce legal fees

Now you can use our free app to perform all co-parenting tasks. No need to spend money on paid apps.

Disputes over child custody and support can easily end up in court. Well-documented records of the children's shared expenses, custody schedules, and related conversations can help you and the co-parent reduce legal costs.

Blended families

Cent also works great for blended families. You can add as many co-parents as you like to your account.

In a modern family, kids from different parents live together in the same household. Cent enables the tracking of children's shared expenses, custody schedules, and related conversations to make everyone's life easier.

Blended family co-parenting

Free Co-parentng App

Cent is the #1 recommended app by divorce financial advisors, family lawyers, and mediators.

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Custody Schedules

Manage your custody schedules, co-parent visits, and other relevant appointments at one place.

Co-parent Messaging

Communicate with your co-parent, safely and securely. Keep records of all communications.

Contact Management

Manage all your co-parenting contacts at one place.

Share Expenses

Whether your child just got their annual dental checkup or went for a piano lesson, your co-parent will be invoiced the minute you record the expense.

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Pay Expenses

Received an invoice from your co-parent? Review and pay for it quickly. The sooner you pay, the better it would be for your children, you, and your co-parent.

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Recurring Expenses

Does your child have a recurring expense such as a tutoring session or a soccer club? You can invoice your co-parent easily and get paid quickly.

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Get Pre-Approved

No one likes unpleasant surprises such as a big expense, even for your child. You can get your co-parent's pre-approval to avoid a conflict.

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Multi-child Expenses

In a blended family, an expense can be for one child or multiple children. It doesn't matter. You can assign a single expense to any number of children.

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Pay Child Support

You will have a picture of your standing on child support as a payer and a recipient. There will never be any excuses on either party's part.

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Blended Family

Do you have children with multiple partners? You can assign expenses to each co-parent for the children you have with them.

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Solo Tracking

Your co-parent may not want to jointly track your children's expenses and pay for them. But for your records, you can do it as a solo parent.

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View Balances

A complete summary and separate reports by the expense status on whether it has been reimbursed or not. Same for approvals and rejections.

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Export Expenses

Do you need a report on your expenses? You can print or download it in the CSV format that you can view with Excel, Google Sheets, or Mac OS Numbers.

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Manage Receipts

Everyone hates tracking and storing paper receipts in an envelope or a binder. You can scan or upload expense receipts, and they will stay online forever.

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Resolve Disputes

A dispute over children's expenses can happen. No more of he said she said. You can get a clear picture for dispute resolution with or without an attorney.

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95% Success Rate

95% of the children get support payments. It covers all expenses permitted by family courts. Co-parents have fewer disputes.

Every State

Family courts want co-parents to get along for their children's welfare. They can now be compliant with city, state, and federal laws.

100+ Countries

Regardless of where you and your co-parent live, you can share your children's expenses without any friction or violations.

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User Feedback

Cent is so simple that even a granny can use it.

I no longer have fights over money with my children's father. With a detailed list of each expense, my children can finally get the financial support they deserve. - Amy G., San Francisco

My ex-wife always asked for more money in addition to the court-ordered child support. With Cent, I can easily view each expense, discuss, and reimburse her. - John L., Dallas

My grandkids always complained about their parents fighting over money. Then their mediator recommended Cent. They are the model co-parents now. - Peggy M., Miami

As a family attorney, I have always encouraged my clients to use Cent. It is cost-effective, user-friendly, and focused on their kids' welfare. - Priya S., Attorney

I work with co-parents from different cultural backgrounds. Cent helps them resolve their differences without a big family drama. - Jasmine P., Family Mediator

I do financial planning for divorced and separated parents. Co-parents who use Cent tend to have better financial records. - Leticia J., Certified Financial Advisor

Thousands of co-parents around the globe have tracked and reimbursed their children's shared expenses with Cent.

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