2-2-3 Custody Schedule
Michael J. Peterson, Attorney
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2-2-3 Custody Schedule is a shared 50/50 custody schedule that allows co-parents to spend an equal number of days with their children. The name 2-2-3 states the division of days itself. The 2-2-3 custody schedule is a co-parenting arrangement designed to ensure both parents actively participate in their child's life following a divorce or separation. In this schedule, the child spends two days with one parent, followed by two days with the other parent, and then three days with the initial parent. This cycle repeats, providing a consistent and frequent rotation between parental households. The 2-2-3 schedule is particularly popular for younger children, offering them regular contact with both parents while maintaining a structured routine. This arrangement allows parents to share both weekdays and weekends, distributing parenting responsibilities more equally. Although it offers benefits like flexibility and shared involvement, the 2-2-3 schedule may pose challenges in terms of frequent transitions and coordination between co-parents. Open communication and a commitment to the child's well-being are essential for the successful implementation of the 2-2-3 custody schedule.
How does 2-2-3 schedule work with kids?
The 2-2-3 custody schedule is a parenting arrangement designed to provide a consistent and balanced routine for children of divorced or separated parents. With this schedule, children stay with the first parent for two days, then live with the second parent for the next two days, and then live with the first parent for three days. Next week, they live with the second parent for two days, then the first parent for two days, and then the second parent for three days. Then the whole 2-week cycle is repeated ensuring both parents have equal and frequent opportunities to be actively involved in their children's lives. This structured approach is particularly beneficial for younger children who may benefit from more frequent transitions between parental homes, maintaining a sense of regularity in their lives.
To illustrate, let's consider a typical week in a 2-2-3 custody arrangement. The child might spend Monday and Tuesday with Parent A, Wednesday and Thursday with Parent B, and then Friday through Sunday back with Parent A. The following week, the schedule flips, with the child starting with Parent B for the first two days, followed by Parent A for the next three, and finally returning to Parent B for the weekend. This pattern continues, ensuring that both parents have a fair share of weekdays and weekends with their child, fostering a consistent connection and shared responsibility in the upbringing of the child. Communication and flexibility between co-parents play a crucial role in making this schedule work effectively, allowing for adjustments as needed and ensuring the child's well-being remains the top priority.
What is the healthiest custody schedule for a toddler? A perspective on the 2-2-3 arrangement.
Determining the healthiest 50/50 custody schedule for a toddler involves careful consideration of the child's developmental needs, routine, and attachment to both parents. For toddlers, consistency and stability are paramount. A custody schedule that provides frequent but predictable transitions can be beneficial. The 2-2-3 custody schedule, where the child spends two days with one parent, followed by two days with the other, and then three days with the first, can be particularly advantageous for toddlers. This schedule allows for regular contact with both parents, promoting a secure attachment and a sense of stability as the child moves between homes. This schedule is also an excellent choice if you are birdnesting with your co-parent.
Examples of a 2-2-3 custody schedule
The image above represents a month of the custody schedule for co-parents Peter and Nancy. In this example, during first week children stay with Peter on the following days:
- Sunday, Monday
- Thursday, Friday, Saturday
On Tuesday and Wednesday stay with Nancy.
Then the following week, they stay with Nancy on the following days:
- Sunday, Monday
- Thursday, Friday, Saturday
On Tuesday and Wednesday, they stay with Peter.
On the third week, the schedule of the first week is repeated and on the fourth week, the schedule of the second week is repeated.
This example was built using the Google Calendar but you can use Outlook or any other calendaring application or a paper calendar to do the same. You can also use a spreadsheet such as Excel or Google Sheets.
Can you change the start day for a 2-2-3 custody schedule?
Yes, if both parents mutually agree or if a court orders, then they can change the start day of their 2-2-3 custody schedule. For example, if the co-parents want the week to start on Monday, not Sunday, then the new schedule will look as follows:
Children will stay with Peter on:
- Monday, Tuesday
- Friday, Saturday, Sunday
On Wednesday and Thursday, they stay with Nancy.
Then the following week, they stay with Nancy on the following days:
- Monday, Tuesday
- Friday, Saturday, Sunday
On Wednesday and Thursday, they stay with Peter.
On the third week, the schedule of the first week is repeated and on the fourth week, the schedule of the second week is repeated.

Example of Switched Start Days
Can you change the pickup and drop-off time for a 2-2-3 custody schedule?
Flexibility is a key aspect of successful co-parenting, and changing the pickup and drop-off times in a 2-2-3 custody schedule is indeed possible with effective communication and mutual agreement between co-parents. Life is dynamic, and circumstances may arise that require adjustments to the established schedule. It's crucial for co-parents to maintain an open line of communication, discussing proposed changes in advance and considering each other's schedules and commitments. By approaching such modifications with a cooperative mindset, co-parents can navigate unexpected events or evolving needs of the child, ensuring that the 2-2-3 schedule remains a practical and harmonious arrangement for both parents and, most importantly, the well-being of their child. Regular communication, respect for each other's time, and a shared commitment to the child's best interests are instrumental in fostering a positive co-parenting dynamic.
How to account for the third-party time in 2-2-3 custody arrangement?
In a 2-2-3 custody arrangement, accounting for third-party time, such as when children are at daycare or school, requires a pragmatic approach. When children are engaged in routine activities that fall outside the purview of either parent's custody time, there may be no imperative need to meticulously mark those hours on the shared calendar. Instead, co-parents can focus on the time when the children are directly under their care. This approach helps streamline communication and maintain a clear understanding of each parent's responsibilities during shared custody periods. By acknowledging routine third-party engagements, such as school or daycare, as neutral periods not specifically designated to either parent, co-parents can facilitate a more straightforward and efficient 2-2-3 custody schedule while ensuring that both parents remain informed and engaged in the child's overall well-being.

2-2-3 Template Accounting for 3rd party time
What are the pros and cons of the 2-2-3 custody schedule?
Benefits of a 2-2-3 custody schedule:
- Pro #1 - Frequent Parental Contact: Children can spend time with both parents each week without being away for long.
- Pro #2 - Simplicity: The schedule is easy to understand.
- Pro #3 - Flexibility: It can work well with professions with unusual schedules, such as healthcare. The schedule can be adaptable to accommodate changes in parents' work schedules or other life events, promoting a cooperative co-parenting environment.
- Pro #4 - Shared Responsibilities: Both parents get to spend an equal amount of time with their children. Co-parents share both weekdays and weekends, distributing parenting responsibilities more equally.
- Pro #5 - Consistency for Children: Both parents are the active caretakers of their children. The predictable routine provides a sense of stability and consistency for children, which is particularly beneficial for their emotional well-being.
- Pro #6 - Reduced Stress on Transitions: It works perfectly with younger children who are not of school age.The short durations of time with each parent can minimize stress during transitions for both children and parents.
- Pro #7 - Equal Sharing of Special Occasions: Parents have the opportunity to share special occasions such birthdays and holidays more equally, promoting a sense of fairness for both parties.
Disadvantages of a 2-2-3 custody schedule::
- Con #1 - Coordination Challenges: The upfront planning can be confusing for co-parents. Coordinating schedules between two households can be challenging and may require ongoing communication and cooperation.
- Con #2 - Frequent Transitions: The frequent exchange of children requires an additional time commitment from both parents. Some children may find the frequent transitions disruptive, potentially causing stress or anxiety.
- Con #3 - Potential for Miscommunication: It can easily become a source of conflict. Without clear communication and a shared calendar system, there may be room for misunderstandings or conflicts regarding pickup and drop-off times. A good communication plan should be in place.
- Con #4 - Disruptive: The children may feel overwhelmed with frequent switching of homes.
- Con #5 - Adaptation for Older Children: As children grow older and their school and extracurricular commitments increase, the 2-2-3 schedule may need adjustments to accommodate their changing needs. The children may have trouble planning their playdates and other activities because of frequent changes.
- Con #6 - Less Predictability for Parents: The schedule's constant rotation may make it harder for parents to plan their personal or work lives with the same level of predictability as other custody arrangements. Parents must live nearby for easy exchange of children.
How 2-2-3 custody schedule differs from other custody arrangements?
The 2-2-3 custody schedule differs from other custody arrangements primarily in its unique rotation pattern and the frequency of transitions between parental households. Here are key distinctions from common custody schedules:
1. Frequency of Transitions
- 2-2-3 Schedule: Involves frequent transitions where the child spends two days with one parent, two days with the other, and then three days again with the first parent. This cycle repeats regularly, resulting in a consistent rotation.
- Alternating Weeks Schedule: The child spends an entire week with one parent and then switches to the other parent the following week, resulting in less frequent transitions.
2. Consistency of Schedule
- 2-2-3 Schedule: Provides a consistent and predictable routine for the child, involving both weekdays and weekends with each parent.
- Every Other Weekend Schedule: Often seen in a 5-2-2-5 or 4-3 schedule where one parent has the child on weekends, providing less consistent weekday involvement.
3. Equal Distribution of Weekdays and Weekends
- 2-2-3 Schedule: Both parents share both weekdays and weekends, ensuring a more balanced distribution of parenting responsibilities.
- Weekday/Weekend Schedule: Some arrangements allocate weekdays to one parent and weekends to the other, potentially resulting in uneven involvement.
4. Flexibility
- 2-2-3 Schedule: Offers flexibility for both parents to have meaningful time with the child during the week and on weekends, accommodating various work and personal schedules.
- Custom Schedules: Parents may create custom schedules based on their specific needs, which can result in different patterns of custody.
5. Transition Impact on Children
- 2-2-3 Schedule: The frequent transitions may be better suited for younger children who adapt well to routine changes.
- Bi-Weekly Schedule: Longer periods between transitions might be preferred for children who thrive on stability and predictability.
6. Ease of Planning
- 2-2-3 Schedule: Requires regular communication and coordination between parents due to the frequent transitions.
- Monthly or Quarterly Rotations: Some schedules involve longer periods (e.g., one parent for a month) which may require less frequent coordination.
Understanding these differences can help co-parents choose a custody arrangement that aligns with their child's needs, their own schedules, and the overall dynamics of their family.
Tips for successful co-parenting with a 2-2-3 schedule
Successful co-parenting with a 2-2-3 schedule requires thoughtful coordination and effective communication between parents. Here are some essential tips to navigate this custody arrangement harmoniously:
Tips for Coordinating 2-2-3 Schedules Effectively
- User Shared Calendars and Communication Tools: Utilize shared digital calendars or co-parenting apps to maintain a centralized schedule accessible to both parents. This ensures transparency and helps in coordinating pick-up and drop-off times, as well as any changes or adjustments to the regular schedule. Real-time updates can reduce misunderstandings and enhance overall communication efficiency.
- Planning Ahead for Holidays and Special Occasions: Anticipate and plan for holidays and special occasions well in advance. Discuss and agree upon a plan for how these events will be shared, ensuring that both parents have opportunities to create meaningful memories with the child. Having a clear plan in place minimizes potential conflicts and allows for smoother transitions during celebratory times.
- Consistency in Rules and Discipline: Maintaining consistency in rules and discipline across both households is crucial for the child's well-being. Co-parents should communicate and establish common ground on important issues such as bedtime routines, homework expectations, and behavioral guidelines. Consistency provides stability for the child, helping them transition seamlessly between homes and reducing confusion about expectations.
- Encouraging a Positive Attitude Towards the Other Parent: Fostering a positive attitude toward the other parent is essential for the child's emotional health. Avoid speaking negatively about the co-parent in the child's presence, as this can create unnecessary stress. Instead, encourage open communication between households and emphasize the importance of the child maintaining a strong relationship with both parents. Celebrate each other's successes as parents and prioritize the child's needs above any lingering personal differences.
How to overcome challenges with a 2-2-3 schedule
1. Dealing with Conflicts
Conflict is inevitable in co-parenting situations, but how conflicts are managed can significantly impact the child's well-being. When facing disagreements or tensions related to the 2-2-3 schedule, it's crucial for co-parents to approach discussions with empathy and open-mindedness. Establishing effective communication channels can help in addressing conflicts constructively. Consider using a neutral platform, such as a mediator or counselor, to facilitate discussions and find common ground. By focusing on finding solutions rather than dwelling on the issues, co-parents can create a more harmonious co-parenting relationship.
2. Seeking Mediation or Professional Assistance
In situations where conflicts persist or become challenging to resolve independently, seeking professional assistance can be beneficial. Mediation offers a structured and neutral environment where a trained mediator helps co-parents navigate disputes and reach agreements. Additionally, involving family therapists or co-parenting counselors can provide insights and tools to enhance communication and problem-solving skills. Professional guidance not only assists in overcoming immediate challenges but equips co-parents with valuable skills to navigate future issues more effectively.
3. Putting the Child's Needs First
The ultimate goal of any co-parenting arrangement, including a 2-2-3 schedule, should be prioritizing the child's needs above personal differences. When facing challenges, co-parents should take a step back and reassess their decisions and actions through the lens of what is in the child's best interest. This requires a commitment to fostering a positive and supportive environment for the child, even when facing personal challenges. By keeping the child at the forefront of decision-making and maintaining a child-centric perspective, co-parents can navigate challenges with a shared sense of purpose.
How to modify the 2-2-3 custody schedule as children grow
1. Recognizing Changing Needs as Children Age
As children grow, their needs, routines, and preferences evolve, necessitating adjustments to the 2-2-3 custody schedule. Parents should be attuned to the developmental stages of their children, recognizing shifts in school requirements, social activities, and extracurricular commitments. Adolescents, for instance, may have a more complex schedule with academic responsibilities and social engagements, requiring co-parents to adapt the custody arrangement accordingly. Flexibility and a keen awareness of the child's changing needs are crucial for ensuring the continued success of the co-parenting dynamic.
2. Modifying the Schedule for School and Extracurricular Activities
One of the significant considerations when adjusting the 2-2-3 schedule is accommodating the child's school commitments and extracurricular activities. As children become more involved in school, sports, or other pursuits, co-parents may need to modify the schedule to provide ample time for these essential aspects of their lives. Coordination between both households becomes pivotal to ensuring the child can participate in activities without disruption, fostering an environment that supports their personal and academic growth.
3. How to Ensure that the Child's Voice is Heard in Decision-Making
As children grow older, their ability to express their preferences and desires becomes more pronounced. Co-parents should actively engage with their children and create an environment where the child feels comfortable expressing their thoughts about the custody schedule. While ultimate decisions rest with the adults, giving the child a voice in the process fosters a sense of agency and helps co-parents make adjustments that align with the child's well-being and preferences. This collaborative approach not only strengthens the parent-child relationship but also encourages a sense of responsibility and involvement in decision-making as the child matures.
Personal Stories and Experiences
- Keisha and Andre from Georgia: Keisha, an environmental scientist, and Andre, a chef, embraced the 2-2-3 custody schedule for co-parenting in Georgia. Despite their busy lives, they found that the frequent transitions allowed them to stay actively involved in their child's daily activities. Keisha shared, "The 2-2-3 schedule gives us a good balance. It may seem complex, but it ensures that both of us have regular time with our child. It's all about making the most of those 2-2-3 days, being present, and creating a sense of stability."
- Lila and Miguel from Arizona: Lila, a yoga instructor, and Miguel, a photographer, navigated co-parenting with the 2-2-3 schedule in Arizona. They emphasized the importance of maintaining open communication and flexibility to accommodate their ever-changing schedules. Miguel advised, "Be adaptable. Life is unpredictable, but being flexible helps us create a harmonious environment for our child."
- Aisha and Nolan from Illinois: Aisha, a marketing executive, and Nolan, a firefighter, found success with the 2-2-3 custody schedule in Illinois. Despite their differing work hours, they highlighted the significance of establishing routines and rituals to provide their child with a sense of consistency. Aisha said, "Even on hectic days, bedtime stories and family dinners are non-negotiable. They create a sense of normalcy for our child."
- Sophie and Carlos from Texas: Sophie, a graphic designer, and Carlos, a veterinarian, successfully co-parented with the 2-2-3 schedule in Texas. They stressed the need for mutual respect and shared decision-making, ensuring a collaborative approach to parenting. Carlos shared, "Respect each other's opinions and decisions. It's about working together for the well-being of your child."
- Naomi and Evan from California: Naomi, a tech entrepreneur, and Evan, an architect, navigated the challenges and triumphs of co-parenting with the 2-2-3 schedule in California. They found that maintaining a positive attitude and focusing on quality time during their days contributed to the success of their arrangement. Naomi encouraged, "Stay positive. Cherish the moments you have, and make them count. It's these small moments that build a strong connection with your child."
In conclusion, a 2-2-3 custody schedule is a good variation a 50/50 joint custody schedule. If documented properly in a parenting plan it can be a good schedule for parents with younger children. The 2-2-3 custody schedule stands out as a unique arrangement, providing a balanced and frequent rotation between parental households. Key to its success is the structured routine where children spend two days with one parent, followed by two days with the other, and three days with the initial parent, creating consistency and predictability in their lives. The schedule offers both advantages, such as regular contact with both parents and shared responsibilities, as well as challenges, including frequent transitions and the need for effective communication.
It is essential to acknowledge the potential hurdles while recognizing the opportunities for shared involvement in their child's life. Embrace the flexibility of the schedule and prioritize open communication and collaboration. The 2-2-3 schedule, when approached with a positive mindset and a commitment to the child's best interests, can be a powerful tool for fostering strong parent-child relationships and providing a stable and supportive environment.
Above all, the success of the 2-2-3 custody schedule hinges on a shared dedication to prioritizing the child's well-being. Throughout the various stages of development, from early childhood to adolescence, co-parents must remain attuned to the changing needs of their children. This requires flexibility in adapting the schedule, active listening to the child's preferences, and a commitment to working together in their best interests. By consistently putting the child first, co-parents can navigate the challenges, celebrate the successes, and provide a foundation for a healthy and thriving parent-child relationship.
It is also a good alternative to the 2-2-5-5 schedule, the Alternating Weeks schedule, the Extended Weekends schedule. You can also consider, 2 Weeks Each Custody Schedule, Alternating Every 2 Days Custody Schedule, and 3-4-4-3 Custody Schedule.
In closing, the 2-2-3 custody schedule is a dynamic co-parenting tool that, when implemented with care and consideration, has the potential to create a positive and nurturing environment for children in shared custody. The journey may have its complexities, but the shared commitment to the child's happiness and stability can guide co-parents towards a successful and fulfilling co-parenting experience.
Fact Check and Resources
To create this post we have fact checked and researched the following sources:
- AAML New Jersey Chapter
- Planning for Parenting Time - Supreme Court of Ohio
- Oregon Judicial Department
- Office of the Attorney General Texas
- Cuyahoga County Domestic Relations Court
Other Custody Schedules
Typical 50/50 Custody Schedules
Popular Summer Custody Schedules
- Full time entire summer, alternate weekends and one overnight per week during fall, spring and winter - 39%
- Entire summer, alternate weekends, and one evening per week - 30%
- Every other weekend, one overnight per week, one month during the summer, and half the holidays - 29%
- Every other weekend, one evening/week, four summer weeks and half the holidays - 28%
- Every other weekend, one month during summer and half of the holidays - 23%
- First, third and fifth extended weekend - 24
- Every other weekend and half the holidays and summer - 22%
- Every other weekend, four weeks of summer and half the holidays - 21%
- Every other weekend, two weeks during the summer and half the holidays - 19%
- Every other weekend and two weeks during the summer - 18%
- 2 Weeks only during the summer break - 4%
Popular Weekend Parenting Arrangements
This post is neither financial, health, legal, or personal advice nor a substitute for the advice offered by a professional. These are serious matters, and the help of a professional is recommended as it can impact your future.